Overall Report Writing for Bachelor Level Student




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                                     T.U. Reg. No.: 9-

                                     Exam Roll No.:


     An Overall Report Prepared for the Partial Fulfillment of Practice               

                               Teaching (Ed. 440) in B. Ed Fourth Year




                                               Faculty of Education

                                              Tribhuban University

                                Dhankuta Multiple Campus Dhankuta



Before and during writing this report I was helped and guided by my teachers and friends. Without their help and support it was not possible to complete this report. So I am credited to the chairman and members of the practice teaching committee of B. Ed in Dhankuta Multiple Campus Dhankuta. I was helped by my friend also, so I must express my hearty gratitude to those who helped me.

  I express hearty gratitude to Mr. (Your Subject Teacher Name), chairman of practice teaching Faculty of Education Dhankuta Multiple Campus. Similarly I express hearty gratitude to the members of the practice teaching committee. In the same way I express hearty gratitude to Mr. (Your Campus Chief Name), the Campus Chief, Dhankuta Multiple Campus Dhankuta. Similarly I express hearty gratitude to Mr. (Your Assistant Campus Chief Name), Assistant Campus Chief Dhankuta Multiple Campus, Dhankuta. Similarly I express hearty gratitude to my subject teachers. In the same way I express hearty gratitude to my parents who encouraged me in my study. Lastly I express my hearty gratitude to all who helped directly or indirectly to prepare this report.


Date: 09/02/2076                                   


This report entitled ‘Overall Report Writing’ is prepared for the partial fulfillment of practice teaching in B. Ed fourth year in Dhankuta Multiple Campus Dhankuta under Tribhuvan University. This report clarifies what, when, where and why was done from the initial phase to last phase of practice teaching. This report consists of eight chapters. Chapter one of this report deals with general background, objectives and methods. Chapter two of this report deals with analysis of operational calendar and plans. Chapter three of this report deals with briefing of micro teaching. Chapter four of this report deals with briefing of peer teaching. The fifth chapter of this report deals with briefing of school teaching. Chapter six of this report deals with the briefing of textbook analysis. Chapter seven of this report deals with construction, administration, and analysis of test and interpretation of the results. And chapter eight, the last chapter of this report, deals with the analysis of school records. In this way this overall report is prepared.

                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                                 



Acronym and Abbreviation


Chapter – 1 Introduction

1.1          General Background

1.2          Objectives

1.3          Methods

Chapter – 2 Analysis of Operational Calendar and Plans

2.1 Analysis of Operational Calendar

2.2 Analysis of Annual Work plan

2.3 Analysis of Unit Plans

2.4 Analysis of Daily Lesson Plans

Chapter – 3 Micro Teaching

Chapter – 4 Pear Teaching

Chapter – 5 School Teaching

Chapter – 6 Analysis of Textbook

Chapter- 7  Construction, Administration and Analysis of Test and

                                      Interpretation of The Results


Chapter – 8 Analysis of School Records

8.1 Administrative Records of the School

8.2 Records of Physical Aspects of the School

8.3 Academic Records of the School

8.4 Data Form of the School

8.5 Portfolio Record

8.6 School Improvement Plan of the School

                                                 CHAPTER- 1 INTRODUCTION


1.1   General Background of the Analysis

This report has been prepared for the partial fulfillment of practice teaching (Ed. 440) in B. Ed fourth year in Dhankuta Multiple Campus under Tribhuvan University. As the students of  faculty of education we need to have the capability of  teaching, making operational calendar, preparing annual work plan, making  unit plans, preparing daily lesson plans, analyzing textbook or curriculum, constructing, administrating and analyzing test, interpretating test result, keeping portfolio records, and keeping other school records. This report answers some questions such as; what was done? How was done?  And who has done?


1.2   Objectives of the Analysis

The objectives of this analysis report are listed as below:

·      to clarify the detail of operational calendar, annual work plan, unit plans and daily lesson plans prepared during the practice teaching,

·      to clarify the detail of micro teaching, peer teaching and school teaching,

·      to clarify the detail of textbook analysis,

·      to clarify the detail of  construction, administration and analysis of test and interpretation of the test result and

·      to clarify the detail of school records.

1.3  Methods of the Analysis

The methods of data collection in these analysis works were observation. The data for the analysis were collected via both primary and secondary sources. The students were the primary sources of some data for example test result. The operational calendar, annual work plan, unit plans, daily lesson plans, textbook analysis report, school records etc were the secondary data for the analysis and the data are analyzed and interrelated using descriptive method.



2.1 Analysis of Operational Calendar

Operational calendar is a detail plan of a whole academic session. This is prepared by the head-teacher with the help of other teachers. Operational calendar shows the detail plan of the school for one academic year. In the operational calendar there are mentioned the working days, exam days, result preparation days, staff-meeting days, result publishing days, extra -curricular activities days, public holidays, vacations and so on. Operational calendar works as a guideline for unit plans. Moreover operational- calendar works as a guideline for all plans in a school for a whole academic session.

2.2 Analysis of Annual-work Plan

Annual-work plan is an overall planning of teaching for a whole academic session. Annual-work plan is made by subject teacher on the basis of operational calendar. Annual-work plan is a guideline for unit plans. The annual work-plan is prepared clarifying, when, what, which, and how the lesson will be delivered to the students.

2.3 Analysis of Unit Plans

Unit plans are the plans prepared for teaching each unit. These are prepared being based on the annual-work plan. Unit plans include subject-matter, instructional objectives of three levels; knowledge, skill and attitude, instructional materials, instructional methods, activities and evaluation planning. Two unit plans are prepared by the student teacher.

2.4 Analysis of Daily Lesson Plans

Daily lesson plans are prepared for a period. Daily lesson plan consists the major components; specific objectives, instructional materials, teaching learning activities, and evaluation. Here the plans are prepared including the above mentioned components. 12 daily lesson plans are prepared by the student teacher


                            CHAPTER – 3 MICRO TEACHING

Micro teaching is a remedial teaching. It is also called scale downed teaching. Because micro teaching is done within ten to fifteen minutes and only one objective is set for micro teaching. The number of students in micro teaching is ten to fifteen. After the student teacher finished the presentation the peers or supervisor provide necessary feedback for improvement.

In our campus the micro teaching was started from 14 Bhadra 2075 and ended on 12 Ashwin 2075. Mr. (Your Practice Teaching Supervisor Name)  was the supervisor of the micro teaching. For micro teaching fifteen micro lesson plans were prepared and three plans were presented. In micro teaching I was given a role to comment and suggest my peers on their demonstration. In this way our micro teaching was complete


Peer teaching is the teaching own peers. In practice teaching this is full time teaching. In micro teaching specific aspects are observed and other efforts are made to improve the specific weakness. But in peer teaching overall teaching skill is observed and the student teacher is given necessary suggestions for improvement.

    In our campus the peer teaching was started from 14, Ashwin 2075 and completed on 28, Mungsir, 2075. Mr. (Your Practice Teaching Supervisor Name)  was the supervisor for peer teaching. For peer teaching 15 daily lesson plans were prepared and one class was demonstrated. I demonstrated my class on 6, Mungsir, 2075.  Teaching item of my demonstration class was, comprehension of past tense. The materials prepared for peer teaching were, word cards, sentence cards, and flash cards. In peer teaching, fifteen subjective type test, five multiple choice items, five true false items, five blank filling items and one set matching item were prepared. In peer teaching one peer’s class was observed. In this way peer teaching was completed.

                       CHAPTER – 5 SCHOOL TEACHING

School teaching is the ultimate phase of practice teaching. As the syllabus has estimated 20 days for school teaching the school teaching was started on 22, Baishak, 2076. (Your Practice Teaching Helper School Name)  was selected as the co-operating school by our group. As the school provided us certain classes and subjects I was asked to teach English in class nine in the third period. I taught the class I was asked. During school teaching we organized an extra-curricular activity. The activity was a quiz contest for the students of class six to ten. The co-operating school supported us well. A weekly test was constructed and administered to the students of class nine and the result was analyzed and interpreted. For school teaching, twelve daily lesson plans were prepared. The materials to use in school teaching were; word cards, sentence cards, flash cards and flannel board. The support of the co-operating school was appreciable. In this way the school teaching was completed.


Textbook analysis means the analysis of textbook in terms of internal and external aspects. The internal aspects of a textbook are; content, presentation of content, language used in relation to the level of the students, grammatical accuracy, vocabulary, scope and sequence of subject-matter, picturs, relevancy to the curriculum and so on. Similarly the external aspects of a textbook are; printing, font size, font color, quality of paper, page layout, cover designing, binding, price, availability and so on. During the school teaching a textbook of class nine ‘English Grammar’ was analyzed in terms of the abovementioned aspects. From the analysis and interpretation of the results of the textbook it was concluded that, the book analyzed was excellent in terms of content, presentation of content, language, grammar, vocabularies, the scope and sequence of subject-matter, use of pictures, relevancy to the curriculum, printing, font size, font colors, quality of paper, page layout and  cover designing. But the price seems to be more than moderate price and this book is not easily available. Except the price and availability there was no any point to raise any question so, in overall sense the book analyzed was found to be excellent. In this way the book analysis was done and a report was prepared.




7.1 Construction and Administration of the Test

In order to evaluate the students’ academic achievement it is necessary to test. So to evaluate the students’ achievements a test was constructed. The full mark of the test was 30 and pass mark was 10. The test was constructed with three subjective questions. Among the three one was for six marks and other two were for 3.5 and 3.5 marks. In the test there were four multiple choice items for four marks. There were four completion items for four marks. There were four true false items for four marks and a set of matching items for five marks. The test was administered to the students of class nine. They were previously informed about the test. The test was administered well as they were not allowed to look their friends’ answers.

7.2 Analysis of the Test and Interpretation of the Results

The test constructed to evaluate the students’ achievement was reliable, valid, objective and consistent. The result of the students’ performance shows that the students’ performance was good.

The full mark of this test was 30 and pass mark was 10. The highest mark of the students was 25. One student obtained 25 and the lowest mark obtained by the students is 8. Only one student was unable to pass the examination out of 28. The average mark of the students was 17.23. 13 students obtained above average and 15 students obtained below average marks. Most of the students obtained around the average marks. There is no higher dispersion among the scores of the students. In this way the result seemed to be good since the average mark of the student is 17.23 out of 30. The average mark was 57.43% so it can be concluded that the result was good.



8.1 Administrative Records

Administrative records of a school mean those record which are kept by the administration section of the school. Record of name-list of level-wise staffs, record of name-list of school management committee, record of name-list of the members of teacher parents committee etc are the administrative records of a school.

8.2 Records of Physical Aspects of the School

The records of the physical aspects of the school are called the records of physical aspects. Physical aspects cover number and condition of building, classrooms, staff-rooms, canteen, rest rooms, play ground, furniture, computers, and other materials and so on.

After analyzing the records of the physical aspects of the school it is found that, the number and condition of the buildings, classrooms, and furniture are sufficient but the staff room seemed to be small and narrow. Moreover there was not appropriate playground at the school.

8.3 Academic Records of the School

The academic record of this school shows the number of students in this school

8.4 Data Form

8.5 Portfolio Record

Portfolio record is a record of detail of a students’ physical, academic, social and other aspects. Portfolio record shows a student’s detail of overall aspects so it is necessary to keep. In (Your Practice Teaching Helper School Name)  it is not found the management of keeping portfolio records.

8.6 School Improvement Plan (SIP)

School improvement plan is a detail plan for the improvement in the present condition of a school. The schools which implement school improvement plans have several characteristics. Adhikari (2071) presents the characteristics of a school which has implemented the school improvement plan, which are; clear vision, clear objectives, strategies, delegation of functional responsibility, active participation of stakeholders, active learning, standard fixation, resource mobilization and school management.

(Your Practice Teaching Helper School Name)  does not have school improvement plan.

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